Audiobooks is a library of free audiobooks sorted by rating and genre. This format of information absorption has recently been gaining popularity, since audiobooks save time and at the same time protect the eyes, which is critical for users with related problems. While listening to literary works, the user can simultaneously do household chores, go to the gym or take a morning jog.
Classics, sci-fi, mythology, romance, detective, horror, thriller, drama and more – choose content from any genre, listen to books online or download to your mobile device for offline access. Build a database of your own preferences by placing books on a virtual shelf.
Listen to the recommendations of other users by reading reviews, reviews and focusing on ratings. Use the “smart” search to find a literary work by title or by reading the works of a particular author. Control the speed of audio playback, pause and use the timer, which is convenient for those people who like to listen to books before bed.
- concisely designed and intuitive interface;
- notifications about new arrivals in the library;
- load content to local storage;
- Chromecast technology support.
The Audiobooks application distributes works that are exclusively in the public domain, so there is no question of any purchases or paid features.
Freed Audiobooks download: Be a part of something amazing.
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