Bravonovel is a library of fiction, which implements an individual approach to organizing reading and regular replenishment of the collection with new high-quality materials. Customize the font size, background color, page turning style – use a personalized approach to the assimilation of information.
Access to the content in the application is shareware, which means that some of the chapters are available free of charge, but to access the entire work, you will have to pay with virtual currency or real money. However, if desired, a virtual resource can be earned in sufficient quantities by completing simple tasks – log into the program daily, discuss books in the comments, recommend to friends, and so on.
- collection of online novels with flexible reading mode settings;
- comments that add an element of social activity;
- earn bonuses for accessing content;
- intelligent recommendation system;
- variety of literary genres.
Science fiction, adventure, thrillers, romance, fantasy, horror – a variety of genres will make it possible to find literature to the liking of both young and mature readers. By the way, the Bravonovel mobile platform gives novice authors a chance to share their work and pen trials with a wide audience, and not for free, but for an appropriate fee.
Bravonovel download: Be a part of something amazing.
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