Foodpanda is a mobile home food delivery service.
Do you want to eat something tasty? If this something tasty is only prepared in restaurants or cafeterias located near your home, then the mission of our service is to make your meeting with your favorite food inevitable.
What do you need to do for this? Download our application and check if there are restaurants, cafes or specialized bars affiliated with our service in your city. In case of long distances, don’t worry – our couriers will travel additional kilometers, just so that you can enjoy your favorite food in time.
An approximate scenario for your gastronomic day. You are hungry and you definitely want to eat wood-fired pizza – this is for breakfast, a classic burger for lunch and super fresh sushi for dinner. We know all the cuisines in your city that can give you the best guess, and Foodpanda is the fastest home delivery service.
How does it work?
- When registering, enter the address of your house, apartment, office, or dorm.
- Then, from the list of restaurants affiliated with our project, select the restaurant closest to you, and from the restaurant’s suggested dishes, select the ones you want for breakfast, lunch and dinner today.
- Place an order, and the restaurant you have chosen will immediately become aware of it. The latter immediately takes your order to work, and as soon as your dish is ready, our courier will deliver it to the door of your apartment, for example.
- If you want to calculate the exact time before the arrival of the courier, you can follow the delivery route of your order on a graphic map and in real time.
Enjoy your meal!
What is special about our service?
- In the list of affiliated restaurants you will find cuisine for every taste: healthy food restaurants, national restaurants, dietary ones.
- In our position you will also find a list of recommended restaurants in your city, whose cuisine has been awarded some significant (international or national) awards.
foodpanda: food & groceries download: Be a part of something amazing.
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