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Immobilien, Wohnungen & Häuser


Download APK for Android 4.0+ 4.12 Free 41.02 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Organized property search process

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Immowelt- Immobilien, Wohnungen & Häuser is an application that will help you quickly find real estate for rent or purchase in Switzerland, Austria and Germany, exactly following the filters set by the user. Houses, apartments, offices, land plots – within the framework of this program, you can find a real estate object of any kind for yourself, after giving the tool the geographical coordinates of the area where you intend to make a purchase. This mobile client, in fact, is a miniature of the web resource of the same name, as it is endowed with similar functionality and capabilities.

Real estate search algorithm through an intuitive interface Immowelt – Immobilien, Wohnungen & Häuser completely depends on the settings set by the potential buyer or tenant – country, region, type of property, area of ​​​​the object, number of residential and utility rooms, sunny or shady side, the presence of a balcony, basement, garage, degree of infrastructure development (proximity to shops, roads, medical institutions, and so on), the possibility of mortgage lending under various schemes, and so on.

And, of course, to the detailed description in the appendix Immowelt – Immobilien, Wohnungen & Häuser attached dozens of high-quality photographs of objects from all possible angles. If after that the user has a desire to take a closer look at the apartment, house, office or land, it is possible to quickly contact the seller, solving various issues remotely or in person. The search system of the program is configured in such a way that it gives out exclusively relevant offers, since already purchased real estate is instantly removed from the database.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer AVIV Germany GmbH
License Free app
Date updated Nov 11, 2019
Number of downloads 13

Download Immowelt

Download Immowelt (4.12) APK
41.02 MB

How to Install Immowelt on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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