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Shopping & Savings

Download for Android 114.01 MB free

You can find everything on the shelves of this store

The history of the American company Wal-Mart Stores, specializing in the wholesale and retail sale of a huge range of goods, began back in 1969. Currently, the company has representative offices in almost every country in the world, and its annual turnover reached a record high of $500 billion (for 2017). It is natural that this corporation decided to increase the army of its customers at the expense of Android users, for which an official mobile client Walmartwas created.

This software makes it possible to view a catalog of goods directly from the screen of a mobile device, add any items to a personal basket, and even take advantage of courier delivery directly to a given address, however, for an additional fee. The Walmart interface is structured similarly to all online stores – products can be searched by keyword or in the corresponding tab of target categories. Household and food products, equipment and gadgets, cosmetics and perfumes, toys and clothing – you can find everything on the shelves of the virtual supermarket!

The minimum order threshold atWalmart is $35, but thanks to massive promotions and unprecedented discounts, this amount can be used to buy several useful things at once. You can pay for goods directly from the application, taking advantage of the reliability and security of the Pay system. The entire history of purchases made by the user is saved in his account, so if some goods are purchased frequently, you can order them directly from the archive, without bothering yourself with searching and re-filling out a special form.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Walmart 1
Screenshot Walmart 2
Screenshot Walmart 3
Screenshot Walmart 4
Screenshot Walmart 5
Screenshot Walmart 6
Screenshot Walmart 7
Screenshot Walmart 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 24.4

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 8.0 (OREO) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Walmart
License Free app
Date updated Feb 2, 2024
Number of downloads 28
Genre Shopping / Mobile application

English (+3 localizations)

Download Walmart: Shopping & Savings APK

Get the Latest Version (24.4) - Free & Safe Download

Download Walmart apk 24.4
File size: 114.01 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Walmart 17.9 Android 4.1+ (33.11 MB)
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