Status, Sticker Saver – an application with which some users can view, download, save and share their favorite statuses, text, photo and video publications in social networks of other users.
How it works?
- Select a social media status or post that you like.
- Copy the link to the object you like.
- Open the application Status, Sticker Saver.
- Enter a link in the search box.
- Click the Preview and Save button.
- Open the application Status, Sticker Saver.
- Using a search engine for keywords (tags) you will find a photo, video or text publication on a topic that interests you.
- View, save and share your find with other social media users right in the app.
When copying and sharing other people’s intellectual property, be careful not to infringe their copyrights.
Status, Sticker Saver download: Be a part of something amazing.
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