Download for Android 12.51 MB free

A universal tool for obtaining superuser rights

KingRoot is a tool that greatly simplifies the process of obtaining “superuser” rights on most Android mobile devices. Simultaneously with the installation of the program, the KingUser application is installed, through which Root rights are managed. Using the tool is as easy as shelling pears – tap on the central round icon and wait for a while, if it turns green, then everything was successful, otherwise you will have to try another method to obtain root rights, of which there are quite a lot now.

Although Root rights give access to all files and systems of a mobile device, those people who regularly use contactless payments may encounter certain difficulties (the smartphone simply will not pass the security check), so it is worth deciding what is a priority. Sometimes when working with KingRoot it is not possible to achieve the main goal, this happens if the device’s firmware does not meet the conditions of the given algorithm, and the gadget itself is reliably protected by the developers from such an upgrade. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare.

You should also warn that the smartphone may reboot several times in the process of obtaining “superuser” rights; you should not be afraid of this. The creators of the KingRoot application claim that their product works reliably with one and a half thousand mobile devices, among which there are devices from the most famous brands (Samsung, Nexus, Xiaomi, ZTE, Huawei and others). The program is primarily recommended to users who want 100% control over their device and make changes to its operation at the system level.

Screen Captures

Screenshot KingRoot 1
Screenshot KingRoot 2
Screenshot KingRoot 3
Screenshot KingRoot 4

Technical specifications of the latest version 5.4.0

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.kingroot.kinguser
Author (Developer) kingroot
License Free app
Date updated May 31, 2024
Number of downloads 6324
Genre Tools / Mobile application

English (+54 localizations)

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Get the Latest Version (5.4.0) - Free & Safe Download

Download KingRoot apk 5.4.0
File size: 12.51 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, mips, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

Old versions

KingRoot 4.9.5 Android 2.3+ (7.88 MB)
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