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It is a tool with which you can effectively manage your local digital network.

The Network Utilities application provides the user with a set of tools necessary for diagnosing a local computer network. The purpose of diagnostics is, among many, to identify weaknesses in the network under test. Target audience: system administrators, IT specialists and just people who are interested in how and with what protocols local Wi-Fi and LAN networks work.

The Network Utilities application contains utilities that provide the following features:

  1. Open the IP and MAC addresses of smart devices connected to the network.
  2. Scan subnets – this is when the scanner manually or automatically changes the range of addresses.
  3. Ping (test throughput) local computer networks.
  4. Scan ports (tcp, udp) for a vulnerability.
  5. Monitor the number and activity status of devices connected to the network.
  6. Generate INETSTAT packages.

If you have access to the root folders (root rights) of the phone, you will unlock access to the advanced features of the application:

  • Create packages with advanced ones such as arp, ip, udp, tep, icmp .
  • Look up DNS (information about traffic routing, serving hosts for protocols in the domain, etc.).
  • Install sniffers on network machines in order to gain access to passwords and other network system information.

From the above, it is obvious that Network Utilities includes not only standard utilities, but also the tools necessary to work with low traffic networks. Moreover, in addition to the usual tasks, such as checking host availability or route tracing, the application < b> Network Utilities allows you to solve unusual problems, such as simulating remote network utilities.

The traffic analyzer integrated into the application allows you not only to view the network packet load in real time, but also save the results for further comparative analysis.

How does it work?

  • Create profiles for each network separately; each profile opens in a remote tab, between which you can switch very easily.
  • Apply all or only some of the utilities to networks.

The well-designed interface of the application allows you to use its workspace as efficiently as possible. And the ability to work with clipboards and with a database of IP / MAC addresses, as well as apply various network scanners and utilities to several networks – all this and much more will help you do our application Network Utilities .

Screen Captures

Screenshot Network Utilities 1
Screenshot Network Utilities 2
Screenshot Network Utilities 3
Screenshot Network Utilities 4
Screenshot Network Utilities 5
Screenshot Network Utilities 6
Screenshot Network Utilities 7
Screenshot Network Utilities 8

Technical specifications of the latest version 8.2.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running () or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.myprog.netutils
Author (Developer) First Row
License Free app
Date updated Mar 29, 2024
Number of downloads 119
Genre Tools / Mobile application

English (+84 localizations)

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Get the Latest Version (8.2.1) - Free & Safe Download

Download Network Utilities apk 8.2.1
File size: 10.68 MB arm64-v8a Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Network Utilities 7.8.7 Android 4.1+ (3.55 MB)
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