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A collection of cheat codes for fans and explorers of the Skyrim universe

TESV: Skyrim Console Codes is a collection of console commands for the popular role-playing video game, with which it will be much easier and more interesting to explore and travel around the province of Skyrim, which is located on the planet Nirn. To apply the selected action, the user needs to tap on the tilde key during the game to call the console and enter numeric or alphabetic characters.

Commands allow you to customize or change the gameplay to your own needs. For example, to strengthen skills, quickly upgrade your hero, activate teleportation mode, take control of NPCs, get help in completing quests, open access to weapons, potions and artifacts, influence weather conditions, and so on.


  • functional and entertaining console commands in a convenient format for beginners and professionals;
  • intuitive user interface with the distribution of cheats by thematic categories;
  • search string to quickly find the command you are looking for.

Naturally, such behavior on the part of a gamer is considered cheating and is generally not welcome, but at the initial stage of mastering the game universe, using content from the TESV: Skyrim Console Codes catalog is quite justified. For the convenience of finding cheats, they are divided into categories and provided with a detailed description.

Screen Captures

Screenshot TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 1
Screenshot TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 2
Screenshot TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 3
Screenshot TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 4
Screenshot TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.0

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) awais.skyrimconsole
Author (Developer) AWAiS
License Free app
Date updated Aug 4, 2024
Number of downloads 50
Genre Tools / Mobile application

English (+87 localizations)

Download TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC]

Get the Latest Version (1.0) - Free & Safe Download

Download TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] apk 1.0
File size: 12.31 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

Old versions

TESV: Skyrim Cheats [PC] 5 Android 4.1+ (3.96 MB)

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