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Fast and environmentally friendly movement around the city on an electric scooter

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If you need to get to a certain place very quickly or are in a hurry to attend an important meeting, then the Lime - #RideGreen application can be very useful. Install it in your smartphone and get the opportunity to ride an electric scooter to any place in the city in compliance with environmentally friendly standards. If you have an important meeting planned, and the whole city is stuck in traffic jams, then this is the ideal type of transport to get there easily and on time through any park or along a bike path.

To start your trip, you need to install the application on your smartphone and register a user account. Before doing this, you must accept the terms of use of the application and agree with all the rules for its use. Next, the program will ask for permission to use your coordinates and location to send you information about nearby scooters. Find on the map an available scooter that is closest to you and go on a trip.

A lot depends on how correctly you use the service. Also, the availability and number of available scooters depends on the city of your stay and the supply of available means of transportation. To unlock the scooter, you must scan the QR code and enter the license plate number of the two-wheeled vehicle. Next, activate the trip and hit the road.

Also take into account the fact that responsible driving and compliance with certain rules of movement can save not only your life and health, but also those around you. Riding responsibly on bike paths in compliance with the rules of the road, parking correctly according to the rules and other common decency are the keys to your responsible use of our service. Don’t forget that a special riding helmet will protect you from injury.

The concept of Lime is to make transport more accessible and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Lime is our future and in order to preserve our planet, use our service for your health and benefit from it in fast and safe movement.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.limebike
Developer Neutron Holdings, Inc.
License Free app
Date updated Jun 6, 2024
Available languages

English (+161 localizations)

Download Lime

Download Lime (3.162.0) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
63.05 MB

How to Install Lime on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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