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A new level in passenger transportation

Lyft – with the help of this mobile client, the process of ordering a taxi becomes easier and faster. Surely, many of you have heard about the Uber service, and the presented platform is its direct competitor, gradually winning back the North American passenger transportation market from the latter. The service from this private company is most popular in the United States, while it has not yet spread its influence to other countries of the world & # 40; unlike Uber & # 41;, therefore, the mobile application will be relevant only for citizens located in America.

The Lyft application uses an extremely simple algorithm. First you need to allow the program to access your current location, then the destination is indicated, and the cost of the service is familiarized. In a few minutes, the car will already be waiting for the passenger (time may vary), and at the end of the trip, it will remain to evaluate the work of the driver with the possibility of a detailed commentary. Payment for the service is made using a credit card, PayPal payment system and several other less popular methods.

The advantages of the Lyft passenger transportation service include the speed of arrival of the ordered car, the cheapness of travel compared to a full-fledged taxi service, compulsory insurance of customers against accidents, and a large number of payment options. In addition, before ordering a car, it is possible to select a specific driver based on his rating, view the comments of other passengers, and also trace the entire path of the car to the customer using the built-in map.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Lyft 1
Screenshot Lyft 2
Screenshot Lyft 3
Screenshot Lyft 4
Screenshot Lyft 5

Technical specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Lyft, Inc.
License Free app
Date updated Jan 14, 2019
Number of downloads 17
Genre Travels / Mobile application

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File size: 29.31 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

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