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Weather Radar

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Smart Weather Forecast

If you travel a lot and your routes cover the entire globe, then in order to avoid being caught off guard by the weather, you need a weather radar that will help you anticipate rains, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters or environmental disasters to the minute.

MyRadar – this mobile radar provides real-time forecasts of weather conditions with an accuracy of up to an hour anywhere in the world. The information is displayed as a dynamic animation. Moving on a scalable map, you will find out the weather forecast for any city in the world or along the route in any direction. The route can be both for a pedestrian and for transport – for a car, train, plane or ship.

Install the MyRadar application on your phone, it will automatically detect your location and start informing you about the weather forecast for the next hours and days. The application’s pop-up notifications will help you to know about changes in the weather forecast in a timely manner.

In addition to the standard criteria that form the weather – temperature, humidity, wind direction, atmospheric pressure – weather radar MyRadar can impose additional data on your chosen map: atmospheric front; boundaries of fires, high and low pressure; area of ​​earthquake, radiation pollution, magnetic activity and so on.

The information operated by the position MyRadar is imported from the global database of most countries of the National Weather Centers, whose weather stations cover, without exception, the entire globe. The information is processed using the patented algorithm MyRadar .

MyRadar is an intelligent weather radar that predicts the weather with hypertrophied accuracy and informs its user not only about weather conditions, but also about other weather-related factors.

Screen Captures

Screenshot MyRadar 1
Screenshot MyRadar 2
Screenshot MyRadar 3
Screenshot MyRadar 4
Screenshot MyRadar 5
Screenshot MyRadar 6

Technical specifications of the latest version 7.6.10

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) ACME AtronOmatic LLC
License Free app
Date updated Apr 8, 2021
Number of downloads 23
Genre Weather / Mobile application

English (+88 localizations)

Download MyRadar Weather Radar

Get the Latest Version (7.6.10) - Free & Safe Download

Download MyRadar apk 7.6.10
File size: 34.58 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs

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