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Elite Army


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Network duels of elite fighters in the form of a third person

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Afterpulse – exciting skirmishes in a luxurious and detailed 3D design, with a pumpable weapon arsenal, the ability to customize each element as you wish, capable of captivating both experienced gamers and beginners of the genre. This novelty is able to bypass numerous competitors in all respects, giving users an unreal combat experience, and not imposing paid services on them, although it is still present as an option of the donation system.

With all the obvious merits, the developers of Afterpulse can be reproached for the lack of even a primitive plot – after the gamer becomes part of the chosen military coalition, he will be asked to undergo comprehensive training, and then, without further ado, will be sent to gain experience in online duels . By default, the action movie settings assume shootouts between two groups of five fighters, although if you wish, you can customize the type and format of battles at your own discretion, since the authors do not limit users in any way. The main task is to become a leader by scoring more points than the opponents.

Regardless of the result of the match in Afterpulse, the gamer receives gaming experience, virtual currency and other regalia at his own expense, which will later help him improve the skills of his fighter, buy him new equipment and weapons. We strongly recommend installing this spectacular novelty to all admirers of sometimes cruel, but incredibly intense action – everything rumbles and explodes around, bullets whistle over their heads, defeated fighters realistically groan and suffer in agony, and the further the gamer moves through the story, the more interesting it becomes.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.dle.afterpulse
License Free app
Date updated May 31, 2024
Number of downloads 344
Available languages

English (+87 localizations)

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Download Afterpulse (2.9.18) APK
10.80 MB

How to Install Afterpulse on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

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