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G-Switch 3


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Defy gravity and beat records in an exciting game

Video of G-Switch 3
Screenshot G-Switch 3 1
Screenshot G-Switch 3 2
Screenshot G-Switch 3 3
Screenshot G-Switch 3 4
Screenshot G-Switch 3 5
Screenshot G-Switch 3 6
Screenshot G-Switch 3 7
Screenshot G-Switch 3 8
Screenshot G-Switch 3 9

Defeat the force of gravity and play the exciting game G-Switch 3 by controlling your character on long tracks. This is the third part of the once popular game, where you need to take on the role of a high-speed character who runs and jumps at enormous speeds, contrary to the laws of physics. Avoid obstacles and continue to move forward, constantly controlling your balance.

There are three available game modes: infinity travel, single player and multiplayer. Playing all three options is absolutely no different from the others. You will encounter platforms along the way that are located above the character’s head and under his feet. Also, obstacles will appear before you that will block the path of your hero. You need to touch the screen and dodge obstacles by activating the necessary control keys. Keep running and fight gravity to make your character move as far as possible.

The character may fall if there is no platform under his feet, then the level is considered completed and he must start all over again. Use your reflexes and speed of thinking, develop a strategy and control your character. The game is very dynamic and requires special attention to the process. It can test your timing and mental strategy skills.

One of the features of the game is the cloning mode. This allows your character to go through a portal, which will duplicate the character. Try to get both heroes to go to the end of the portal. Collect 12 hidden orbs to unlock new characters.

Since the release of the first part of the game, millions of users around the world have already played it. Try its new version G-Switch 3 and become a more experienced and advanced gamer by overcoming the force of gravity.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 8.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.vascof.GSwitch3
Developer Serius Games
License Free app
Date updated May 16, 2024
Number of downloads 12
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download G-Switch 3

Download G-Switch 3 (1.3.6) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
96.49 MB

How to Install G-Switch 3 on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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