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Game Guardian


Download APK for Android 2.3.3, 2.3.4+ 101.1 Free 19.72 MB Original without MODs

Change the rules of your favorite game to your taste

Screenshot Game Guardian 1
Screenshot Game Guardian 2
Screenshot Game Guardian 3
Screenshot Game Guardian 4

Some gamers, during the game, sometimes like to gain an advantage over other players in a not entirely honest way. The Game Guardian program has been developed and exists for this purpose. This is a kind of emulator that allows you to change the content of video games and make adjustments to the operation of the gaming application. The program functions in such a way that it makes some changes to the game by writing code into the game file in order to change the game parameters.

Today, this is one of the most famous and popular programs for implementation in the gameplay. In other words, this is your complete control over the open application on your smartphone. Along with opening the program, you actually receive administrator rights, with the right to edit and delete any file in the program. After installing the Game Guardian application, you have the opportunity to leave the program running in the background. Now, when you launch any game, you can make adjustments to its workflow.

Many people use this program to edit the number of lives of the game character, thus getting an additional chance to successfully complete the level. Someone, using a code, adds coins to the game chest to be able to purchase any item and improve their hero. Adding game currency to your account, obtaining new weapons, and other improvements that are not so easy to earn in the game can be easily obtained using this application.

One of the features of Game Guardian that sets it apart from other similar programs is the ability to change the time on the internal clock of the game and the device itself. This allows you to get some improvements in your favorite video games. This is useful for those games in which the daily super prize or improvements are credited to the player’s account only after a certain number of hours have passed. With the help of some manipulations, you will get the player’s energy restored, determining its level yourself.

Naturally, the developers of the Game Guardian program must warn their users that their actions may lead to account blocking, as they constitute unauthorized interference in the gameplay. Thus, you can lose your account or be blocked from the game.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 2.3.3, 2.3.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID catch_.me_.if_.you_.can_
Developer 枫影(尹湘中)
License Free app
Date updated Dec 7, 2023
Number of downloads 125
Available languages

English (+53 localizations)

Download Game Guardian

Download Game Guardian (101.1) APK
19.72 MB

How to Install Game Guardian on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

  • How to download app from the site
  • How to install APK / XAPK or APKs files
  • How to remove an app from Android

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