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Granny Horror Multiplayer


Download APK for Android 5.1+ 0.1 Free 130.22 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Feel the suffocating atmosphere of horror and survival in a gloomy house

Video of Granny Horror Multiplayer
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Screenshot Granny Horror Multiplayer 3
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A multiplayer horror game Granny Horror Multiplayer was created especially for those who like to tickle their nerves. Here you have to fight in first person with the bloodthirsty grandmother who locked you in the house and find a way out of this situation. Join forces with other survivors in the house and try to escape together. At every step here, danger awaits you and not all the people your hero meets can be allies.

Grandma’s house is filled with the corpses of innocent people who died painful deaths. The evil grandmother conducted brutal and dangerous experiments on them, and most of them were unlucky. Try your luck alone or in multiplayer mode. To complete the game, you need to solve puzzles that are literally crammed throughout this dangerous house. The atmosphere in it is saturated with hatred and darkness.

At the beginning of the game, you wake up completely tied up in an empty room. Try to free yourself from the shackles and go your way. Explore the dark room, go through other rooms and corridors of the house to find any objects that could help you get out and solve many puzzles in the process. Each task, if successfully solved, will bring you closer to leaving the gloomy house. But not everything is so simple, because in the shadows difficulties may await you or you may simply run into a bloodthirsty grandmother. Besides her, other dangerous creatures are waiting for you, so be extremely careful.


  • Single player mode and multiplayer game
  • Variety of skins for your character
  • Atmosphere of horror reigning in every corner of the house
  • Customizing the configuration of buttons for control for yourself
  • Up to eight different game heroes to choose from
  • Multi-language mode with up to four players in one house
  • Special chat for correspondence with players online
  • Colding blood in the veins music

Test your strength and experience the feeling of courage when faced with the terrible Grandma in the same room. If you are a fan of horror games, then be sure to install the Granny Horror Multiplayer application and experience this fear and horror, together with other heroes of the online game or alone.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.DarkGamesSCB.granma
Developer DarkGamesSCB
License Free app
Date updated May 13, 2024
Number of downloads 19
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download Granny Horror Multiplayer

Download Granny Horror Multiplayer (0.1) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
130.22 MB

How to Install Granny Horror Multiplayer on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 3.8 (23K)

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