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Escape from the evil chef and a sea of ​​ridiculous horror adventures

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The game OGUZOK HORROR was created based on the popular comedy television series and is made in a horror style. Here you have to run away from the evil chef and try to evade the tasks that he hands out to you left and right. You must find bananas scattered throughout the restaurant and tear off the stickers from them. The restaurant is decorated in the best traditions and has all the necessary details for such establishments and premises with many rooms.

While exploring various rooms and locations, try not to catch the eye of the chef, who is not very friendly against you. If you were unable to escape from dangerous pursuit, then grab everything you can get your hands on and fight back. Collect bonuses while moving around the room; they can be found in all sorts of secluded places and behind pieces of furniture. Among other things, you need to collect keys, which are also hidden everywhere.

When you open doors that are always locked and restrict your movement, you will see special safes with a combination lock. Without using the code, you will not be able to open them, so also look for codes for safes. Always be careful and do not leave any piece of furniture unattended and examine all the furniture and all kinds of objects in the room. Find all the clues and solve the riddles to survive this nightmare and come out unharmed.

The whole game is imbued with a gloomy atmosphere and tense situation. Every movement or any rustle around the corner can be fraught with danger. Your chef is a sinister cook, constantly trying to catch you and coming up with new dirty tricks for you. The difficulty at each stage increases and the tension increases. You must get out of this trap and set traps in such a way as to harm the evil villain.

To create traps, use improvised objects and everything you find in the kitchen. this will stop the chef’s progress and give you more time to explore the rooms and find the secret passwords to the safes. You must unravel all the secrets of the kitchen and collect various skins for your character and for the chef.

OGUZOK HORROR is an interesting and exciting game that guarantees you a good mood and fun, ridiculous tasks.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.Kaulquappe228.OGUZOKHORROR
Developer Kaulquappe228
License Free app
Date updated Mar 19, 2024
Number of downloads 13
Available languages

English (+90 localizations)


Download OGUZOK HORROR (1.4) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
145.03 MB

How to Install OGUZOK HORROR on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

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