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Pico Tanks

Multiplayer Mayhem


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Strategy game with tank battles

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Pico Tanks: Multiplayer Mayhem – a military strategy in which players from all over the world fight to conquer the game world of the same name with the help of tanks.

In this fast-paced turn-based strategy game, players develop unique tank designs, form teams, and battle against other teams in real-time arenas.
Players fight in two modes:

  1. “Hold Flag”.
    In this mode, two belligerent teams fight in the same arena in order, firstly, to capture the height on which the flag is set, and secondly, to hold the captured height together with the flag as long as possible.
  2. “Capture a moving object” such as a tank or car.
    In this mode, the players of one team must distribute roles in such a way that one tank captures and tows the captured tank towards their own base, and the other two tanks cover the maneuvers of the first tank.

As an announcement: the game is under development, and therefore it will soon be updated with new modes, new maps and new game objects.


  • Battles take place in PvP duel mode in arenas, which are presented in the form of numerous maps.
  • Armament.
    Two indicators depend on the configuration of tanks: 1) their maneuverability and 2) the time of the tank’s combat capability on the battlefield: the more weapons a tank has, the more tasks it can perform, and the farther it can shoot. But the heavier the tank, the less able it is to maneuver on the battlefield, and therefore more vulnerable. What tactics to use – whether to use maneuverability or weapons as an advantage – depends on the tactics and strategy of the players on the same team.
  • The variety of basic tank equipment and available weapons allows players to apply a variety of tactics to achieve any strategic goals.
  • Players can communicate both publicly and in group chats. In the latter case, the allies have the opportunity to discuss the tactics and strategy of the current and upcoming operations.

To distract players from the theme of war, the developers diluted it with the theme of cooking: these are skins in the form of culinary masterpieces with which players can personalize their iron fortresses.

Teams of the most successful players become leaders on the global rating table of the game.

Pico Tanks is free to play, but contains in-game optional purchasable items to help players progress through the game’s story faster.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.pandaarcade.picotanks
Developer Panda Arcade
License Free app
Date updated Feb 16, 2024
Number of downloads 14
Available languages

English (+85 localizations)

Download Pico Tanks

Download Pico Tanks (60.0.2) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
72.81 MB

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How to Install Pico Tanks on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.3 (16.3K)

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