Takashi Ninja Warrior is a colorful 3D tale about the adventures of a fearless samurai who spent his whole life in adventures and battles, as evidenced by numerous scars on his body. The protagonist runs through locations immersed in delicate sakura petals, driven by revenge and the desire to save friends from captivity, and at the same time free his native country from the treacherous and ruthless ruler.
Starting levels reveal the potential of the controlled character to the user, teach them to strike, attack enemies secretly, jump, dodge attacks, and use additional features. Each blow with a sword reduces the amount of energy, but patience contributes to its rapid replenishment – the scale with energy fills up on its own in the absence of activity on the part of the hero.
- non-stop adventure through the locations of medieval Japan;
- epic duels with hostile ninjas and bosses;
- changing blades and pumping combat abilities;
- intuitive control of navigation buttons;
- dominate bosses in battle arenas;
- look for trophies in destructible items;
- hardcore gameplay difficulty;
- bright 3D environment.
If a character with stock characteristics can cope with ordinary opponents without problems, then such a trick will not work with bosses. It is extremely important to improve the talents and abilities of the main character Takashi Ninja Warrior , increasing power, vitality, endurance and magic. For this, crystals are used, which fall out of defeated enemies and are given out for completing tasks.
Takashi download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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