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Kraken Land

Platformer Adventures

Download for Android 55.30 MB free

A bright adventure, full of action and supplemented by a development system

Kraken Land is a 3D adventure platform game that tells the story of a brave octopus confronting a hostile world. Colorfully decorated locations, hundreds of challenges of increasing difficulty, customization of the appearance of the main character and giving him unique skills, dangerous enemies and a variety of level landscapes – get ready for an exciting, but extremely dangerous journey.

It is known from the prehistory that the main character’s child was kidnapped by a giant crab – now the loving father is ready to go through any trials in order to save the cute child. To do this, he will have to go through a series of levels, overcome an obstacle course, defeat enemies, collect all the gold and upgrade his parameters in order to increase the chance for a happy ending to a dramatic story.

The purposeful octopus can run fast, jump over obstacles and climb sheer walls. If necessary, he is not averse to using the services of other inhabitants of the colorful universe, for example, to grab a peacefully walking seagull by the legs so that the bird will help to get to distant zones.


  • life-threatening rescue operation on tropical islands;
  • use terrain features to your advantage;
  • dodge or destroy enemies;
  • customize the appearance and characteristics of the hero;
  • daily tasks to get gold;
  • share achievements with friends;
  • hidden areas and puzzles.

The hero Kraken Land will be conditionally helpless only at the beginning of the journey, in the future, with an increase in money in the account, there will be a chance to arm the ward and give him new abilities.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of Kraken Land
Screenshot Kraken Land 1
Screenshot Kraken Land 2
Screenshot Kraken Land 3
Screenshot Kraken Land 4
Screenshot Kraken Land 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.6.5

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.honikougames.lilkraken
Author (Developer) Honikou Games
License Free app
Date updated Sep 10, 2020
Number of downloads 50
Genre Adventure game / Mobile gaming

English (+80 localizations)

Download Kraken Land: Platformer Adventures APK

Get the Latest Version (1.6.5) - Free & Safe Download

Download Kraken Land apk 1.6.5
File size: 55.30 MB armeabi-v7a, x86 Original full version without MODs
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Kraken Land download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.

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