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Vast Survival

(Multiplayer) Open World.


Download APK for Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4+ 1.0 Free 24.19 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Cool welcome in a charming world

Screenshot Vast Survival 1
Screenshot Vast Survival 2
Screenshot Vast Survival 3
Screenshot Vast Survival 4

Vast Survival (Multiplayer) Open World – boundless plains immersed in flowers and greenery, mountain ranges wrapped in snow, rivers and lakes shimmering under the sun’s rays, dense forests with centuries-old trees. Landscapes in this multiplayer action movie hint at complete idyll and serenity, but this is not at all what it seems at first glance. This scenery is the scene of a showdown between real users (up to twenty-six participants in each room), each of whom intends to be the only survivor.

The idea and concept of the project Vast Survival (Multiplayer) Open World is not new at all, but borrowed from numerous more eminent competitors – an open game world, exploring it to find and collect useful resources, the ability to equip your shelter and form a team of like-minded people, and naturally frequent and merciless shooting at any moving goals. A crafting system has also been implemented, although it is still far from ideal – where has it been seen that from several sticks, iron and a spring you can create quite a decent machine gun?

To the design of the action movie Vast Survival (Multiplayer) Open World there is not the slightest claim, everything is correctly and thoroughly drawn and helps to fully immerse yourself in the gameplay, believing in the reality of everything that happens. So, machine guns and rifles are not just flawless models – traces of rust and mechanical damage are visible on the metal, and bullets follow the target in full accordance with real physics. The release also has enough minuses, but they are all superficial and concern only insufficient optimization for some mobile devices.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.hoodoogames.vast
Developer HooDoo
License Free app
Date updated Mar 21, 2019
Number of downloads 1350

Download Vast Survival

Download Vast Survival (1.0) APK
ARMv7, x86
24.19 MB

How to Install Vast Survival on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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