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Dead Light


Download APK for Android 4.1+ 0.71 Free 74.68 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Adventure horror with a choice of roles

Screenshot Dead Light 1
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Screenshot Dead Light 6

Dead Light is an adventure horror project, the priority for which is the passage in a multiplayer format, where a group of four poor fellows is forced to fight for their own lives with a cruel maniac chasing them with a chainsaw or other murder weapon at the ready. The developers of the OneTonGames studio took into account and tried to avoid the mistakes of other similar products, as a result of which they got a solid release, which is still in the process of polishing and “bringing it to mind”.

The task of the team of surviving heroes is to get out of the location, having previously found and repaired all the generators. It is necessary to act together, otherwise, if you do not cover each other’s backs, then the killer will instantly figure out the location of each of his potential victims and deal with her one by one. The task of the “bad guy” is exactly the opposite – he will have to find the fugitives constantly escaping from sight as quickly as possible and, having overtaken them before the attack distance, turn them into bloody minced meat, for which, as we have already said, the project provides for a deadly arsenal of weapons.

A much greater potential in Dead Light is provided for pumping villains, so, having coped with the next task, that is, having destroyed all his victims in a certain location, he receives a certain amount of gold coins. On them in the main menu, you can pick up a new character for the next round, as well as give him more terrible lethal weapons. Graphically, the project is made gloomy, but the presence of a large number of different locations in terms of architecture is pleasing – go to a cemetery, a dense forest or a farm. This gaming product is completely free, but contains commercials.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.onetongames.deadlight
Developer OneTonGames
License Free app
Date updated Dec 13, 2018
Number of downloads 407

Download Dead Light

Download Dead Light (0.71) APK
ARMv7, x86
74.68 MB

How to Install Dead Light on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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