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Never left without saying goodbye

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Deemo is a musical arcade game from the Rayark IT company, developed by Cytus.

Deemo is the name of a musical story character who lives alone like a ghost in a strange Castle. There is a piano on the roof of the Castle. A tree grows near the piano. The meaning of the lonely life of Deemo lies in the fact that he plays the piano at night, and the Tree grows. Each pressing of the piano keys produces a musical note. Many notes, arranged in a row of harmonious melody, help the Tree on the roof of the Castle to grow. This idyll could last forever, but it was destined to be interrupted. One day a Girl fell from the sky onto the roof of the Castle. She did not remember anything about herself – neither who she was, nor where she came from, nor how she had ended up on the roof. Deemo and the Girl became friends – they began to play four hands on the piano. During their game, a Tree grew on the roof of the Castle,

The drama of this story is that when the Girl remembers everything about herself, she will leave the roof of the Castle and its lonely owner Deemo . So, every melody played on the piano can be the last.

The player’s task is to have time to press the keys of the piano running across the screen from top to bottom, and thus play famous pieces of music. The more accurately the player hits the piano keys, the closer the melody will be to the original, and the faster the Tree on the roof of the Castle will grow, but even faster her memory will return to the Girl, bringing the moment when the Girl will leave her friend forever.

Features of the game:

  • Designed in fantasy style.
  • The game has two versions:
    1. The free version contains 40 pieces of music.
    2. Paid – more than 110 songs, the collection of which is updated weekly.
  • Each composition is accompanied by a series of paintings that tell about the previous life of the Girl – thus, with each painting, a particle of her memory returns to the Girl.
  • Each exact hit in the rhythm and beat of a piece of music is like taking the right step through the rooms of the Castle – the library or the basement – in search of yourself.

Note: If you can’t log in to your game account: turn off the internet connection of your smart device reinstall the game turn on the internet connection sign in to your game account.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.rayark.pluto
Developer Rayark International Limited
License Free app
Date updated Sep 18, 2023
Number of downloads 665
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download Deemo

Download Deemo (5.0.6) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
47.84 MB

How to Install Deemo on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.7 (560.9K)

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