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Faily Rider

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Downhill skiing on a motorcycle without brakes

Faily Rider – young biker Phil’s journey through the state of Nevada on a high-speed bike, which is replete with funny moments and is notable for the increased difficulty of overcoming the tracks. Once again, moving along the main highway to the destination, the hero was too carried away by the contemplation of the surrounding beauties, which is why he did not notice the goat, measuredly chewing withered grass right on the road.

The result of the meeting of two solitudes was a change in the trajectory of the two-wheeled vehicle – Phil’s motorcycle flew off the paved road onto the ground, which was not at all intended for high-speed races. High mountains hang on both sides of the track, boulders, cacti and streams winding from side to side block the path – in these conditions it is extremely difficult to stay on a motorcycle. The user will understand this already during the first attempt, which will last no more than five seconds.


  • racing arcade with realistic physics in a mountain slope;
  • go around obstacles and use weapons to eliminate them;
  • collect coins and unlock new content;
  • share videos of races with friends;
  • two-button control.

The goal of Faily Rider is to drive the maximum distance in conditions not intended for this, additionally fighting against the realistic physics of the vehicle’s behavior on the track. A feature of the project, in addition to high complexity, are the spectacular falls and dizzying somersaults of the main character – it looks hilarious, and contemplating Phil’s failures does not bother at all.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of Faily Rider
Screenshot Faily Rider 1
Screenshot Faily Rider 2
Screenshot Faily Rider 3
Screenshot Faily Rider 4
Screenshot Faily Rider 5
Screenshot Faily Rider 6
Screenshot Faily Rider 7

Technical specifications of the latest version 12.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.spungegames.failybikes
Author (Developer) Spunge Games Pty Ltd
License Free app
Date updated Dec 22, 2023
Number of downloads 299
Genre Arcade / Mobile gaming/ Android game

Download Faily Rider APK

Latest version:

Download Faily Rider apk 12.1
File size: 88.19 MB arm64-v8a Original full version without MODs

Old versions

Faily Rider 7.0 Android 5.0+ (59.91 MB)

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Global rating: 3.8 (47.1K)

Faily Rider download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.

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