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Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War


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Join an epic space battle and save the galaxy in an exciting shooter

Video of Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War
Screenshot Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War 1
Screenshot Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War 2
Screenshot Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War 3
Screenshot Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War 4
Screenshot Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War 5

The exciting shooter Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War will make you pick up a laser blaster and go on a long space journey across the expanses of the galaxy. You are sent to destroy the ships of intergalactic aliens who are trying to take over the world.

According to the scenario, the entire solar system has been invaded by aliens and intergalactic criminals. And now there is almost no hope left for saving humanity. You were entrusted with the role of admiral of an intergalactic ship and the development of a special operation to destroy the enemy fleet. The main mission is to destroy as many enemy ships as possible and leave no chance of salvation for space criminals.

Each mission, depending on your success, makes adjustments to the strength and speed of your starship. As he progresses through the levels, he will speed up and move more confidently forward and sideways. Also, his weapon system and combat blasters will be improved. Automatic shooting at approaching ships will be faster and more accurate, and the guns will gain more destructive power and will successfully destroy starships in their path.

You need to develop your own technique for controlling the ship, since successfully maneuvering between enemy shots can significantly extend the life of your aircraft. Swipe across the screen and skillfully dodge destructive projectiles. Hold your finger on the screen and your real time will slow down a little, this will help you better maneuver between enemies and avoid attacks for a while. Each destroyed enemy ship can bring you additional strength and power in the form of coins that need to be picked up.

Your spaceship can be well updated or even purchased a new one – more powerful. Several game modes can unleash your full potential and gaming abilities. Play the campaign with more than 70 interesting levels filled with strong enemies, or set up a multiplayer mode to play with other players. Master more than 10 starships and 9 types of weapons for each of them. Defeat Bosses and destroy all enemies by successfully completing tasks and missions in the game Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.infinite.shooting.galaxy.attack
License Free app
Date updated May 8, 2024
Number of downloads 20
Available languages

English (+91 localizations)

Download Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War

Download Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War (2.2.12) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
150.06 MB

How to Install Galaxy Shooter: Air Force War on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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