Granny: Chapter Two – a creepy, ominous and frightening horror project from the first person, made exclusively in dark colors, telling about the main character’s attempts to escape from the nursing home of a couple of elderly maniacs. The prisoner has only five days to save, and if he cannot get out of the terrible house during this time, he will become a direct participant in a cruel experiment, in which he most likely simply will not succeed in surviving. The main rule that will help you survive is once again not to make noise and behave like a mouse.
The fact is that the elderly couple, despite their advanced age, has phenomenal hearing, and instantly finds themselves in the zone of the sound source. And if the granny doesn’t let go of her hands once again, then her husband immediately uses a bat or a poker, sending the main character with a broken head to the starting position, gaining strength for the next attempt. Fortunately, not everything is so tragic, because the character can oppose the villains with their intellect, as well as the ability to interact with interactive surrounding objects.
Step by step, explore each room Granny: Chapter Two , look for an opportunity to open locked doors, look into closets, arm yourself with improvised items, set traps for old fanatics, hide under the bed when danger approaches, and so on. Before starting active gameplay, take a look at the settings, where you can choose the difficulty of the passage, the quality of the graphics, the composition of the participants and activate, if necessary, other related components.
Granny: Chapter Two download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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