Jungle Adventure is an educational platform game for kids with an incredibly fast-paced storyline full of adventure in the wild – the jungle! The evil Lion monster dispersed all the animals in the forest, and out of boredom captured the beautiful Princess, Matt’s girlfriend. Matt is the protagonist of all the adventures in this story!
Your task is to help Matt defeat the Evil Lion – go through a lot of tests and educational puzzles. It won’t be easy to beat him! You will need to gather all your strength, and together with your faithful friend Matt, shoulder to shoulder, fight the monsters that the Evil Lion will direct against you. You will still need to overcome your own fear of the unknown in the jungle – in which the Evil Lion and his war monsters hid.
Jungle Adventure is a great opportunity to perform heroic deeds and teach Leo a lesson in good manners so that he would never even dare to steal someone else’s Princess!
Jungle Adventures download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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