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Kick the Buddy


Download APK for Android 5.1+ 2.6.2 Free 180.97 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Show your imagination by mocking a rag doll

Video of Kick the Buddy
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 1
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 2
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 3
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 4
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 5
Screenshot Kick the Buddy 6

Kick the Buddy is a rather bloodthirsty mobile project from the Playgendary studio, within which the user is asked to find the maximum number of ways to send the main character to his forefathers. In many ways, the new product is similar to the project Beat the Boss , but if it was clear that the boss deserves the most terrible fate because of his anger and rudeness, then why do we need to kill a cute character at the levels of this game, its developers, for some reason they don’t explain this to gamers.

By the way, the amount of virtual funds earned depends on how painful and original the cause of death of the main character is, and only with them you can later buy a whole arsenal of lethal items and tools. After starting the first level, the user will have absolutely nothing at his disposal, only his hands, with which he must hit the poor fellow on the head, torso and limbs. The amount of money earned and special crystals depends on the effectiveness of this action and on the time it takes to bring the hero into the state of a corpse.

All control of the beating process in the casual project Kick the Buddy comes down to taps on the screen, and the faster they are, the faster you will achieve your goal. As you accumulate money in your account, you can buy clubs, knives, axes, massive throwing objects, firearms (even an atomic bomb), all kinds of predators, robots, and so on in the in-game store. In addition, you can dress up the target of the beating in cool costumes, which have no practical use, but add variety and aesthetic beauty to the gameplay.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.playgendary.kickthebuddy
Developer Playgendary Limited
License Free app
Date updated Jun 11, 2024
Number of downloads 5267
Available languages

English (+90 localizations)

Download Kick the Buddy

Download Kick the Buddy (2.6.2) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
180.97 MB

Old versions

How to Install Kick the Buddy on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.3 (3.5M)

Vijay ahirvar:
Mujhe bahut pasand hai

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