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LIT killah

The Game


Download APK for Android 5.0+ 3.8.7 Free 166.57 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Musical entertainment

Screenshot LIT killah 1
Screenshot LIT killah 2
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Screenshot LIT killah 6

Application LIT killah: The Game allows you to test your own sense of rhythm, as well as musical ear in a playful way, in the company of a rap artist, under popular or not very famous compositions.

App Features

  1. 1. The task for the user is to press descending notes in a timely manner, while holding long notes, as a result, getting the most points.
  2. 2. The player will have 12 levels of varying difficulty, consisting of fifty stages, during which it will be possible to discover the possibility of using new outfits and accessories to give your character personality.
  3. 3.As you progress, you will come across traps that take away points earned.
  4. 4. Simple, intuitive touch controls increase the comfort of using the application at different paces.
  5. 5. Possibility of competition in dancing with other players, participation in duels and rating tables.
  6. 6.Unique 3D graphics and stunning visual effects allow you to achieve the greatest realism.
  7. 7. Music lovers will enjoy the highest quality sound and enjoy the process. This is especially true when using headphones.

If you like to listen to music and dance, you definitely need to download the app LIT killah: The Game . This will allow you to spend quality time in the company of other players or on your own.

The highest quality sound will appeal to music lovers and will allow you to enjoy the process. This is especially true when using headphones.

If you love listening to music and dancing, you definitely need to download the LIT killah: The Game app. This will allow you to spend quality time in the company of other players or on your own.

The highest quality sound will appeal to music lovers and will allow you to enjoy the process. This is especially true when using headphones.

If you love listening to music and dancing, you definitely need to download the LIT killah: The Game app. This will allow you to spend quality time in the company of other players or on your own.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.gameever.litkillah
Developer Game Ever Studio
License Free app
Date updated Jan 4, 2023
Number of downloads 32
Available languages

English (+85 localizations)

Download LIT killah

Download LIT killah (3.8.7) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
166.57 MB

How to Install LIT killah on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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