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MGS V: Phantom Pain is an auxiliary terminal whose function is to expand the world of Metal Gear Solid – make it mobile.

Using this terminal, while directly playing Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain on the Play Station console, a player on an Android device can remotely view maps of locations where his soldiers perform missions. The terminal gives the player the opportunity, wherever he is, to actively influence game events: provide informational or technical support – send helicopters to evacuate soldiers, or a support group that will cover the retreat of the main group. In order to access the cards, use the intelligent system iDroid navigation.

This faction requires a permanent internet connection.

Outside the intranet, using the MGS V: Phantom Pain terminal, the player can listen to the game’s soundtracks.

Hardware requirement:

  • Persistent intranet connection;
  • Android 4.3 and above;
  • The application does not work on Android devices that have an Intel86 processor installed.

Reference. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain is a spy action video game for Play Station 3, Play Station 4 and Xbox One.

The game is implemented on an open world platform – sandboxes. The main character – aka Big Boss named Snike – is a strategist and tactician of a paramilitary group of soldiers who perform various missions around the world: freeing hostages from captivity or criminals from prisons; liquidate objects — people, information, buildings; engaged in industrial espionage and other equally interesting things.

Context. The modern, global world is engulfed in hybrid wars. Snike and his soldiers do dirty work so that civilians can put on clean shirts in the morning, take their children to school to come to work in sterile clean offices.

Snike, as a strategist, manages the main base of his small army: he extracts resources, finds customers and concludes contracts to complete impossible missions; is engaged in the scientific development of military and espionage equipment, organizes the security of scientists who work for him – Snake.

As a tactician, Snike: hires soldiers, distributes them to units, develops their professional skills and maintains discipline; during the mission, Snike provides escape routes, information and technical support to the group, such as information on the operational situation, weapons and transport.

Important. Snike – read the player – must thoroughly develop the base. The technical support of the soldiers depends on scientific developments, without which the soldiers will not be able to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Note. Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain is a sandbox game. It follows from this that the process of the game is accompanied by surprises, such as: wild animals can disable equipment; an unexpectedly started sandstorm may prevent the helicopter from evacuating soldiers outside the object – a factory or a country.


  • The gameplay is accompanied by dialogue between the main – and there are several – and secondary characters. Dialogues give the player an idea of ​​what is happening at the moment in terms of tactical moves.
  • Outside of the bases and work sites of the soldiers, there is nothing to do, except to get supplies or hunt wild animals, such as wolves.

Screen Captures


Technical specifications of the latest version 1.0.9

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) jp.konami.mgsvtppapp
Author (Developer) konami
License Free app
Date updated Jan 28, 2020
Number of downloads 5583
Genre Arcade / Mobile gaming

English (+17 localizations)


Get the Latest Version (1.0.9) - Free & Safe Download

Download MGS V: THE PHANTOM PAIN apk 1.0.9
File size: 30.55 MB armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs
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