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Simon’s Cat Crunch Time


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The adventurous life of a famous cat

Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 1
Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 2
Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 3
Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 4
Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 5
Screenshot Simon’s Cat Crunch Time 6

The main character of the arcade puzzle game Simon’s Cat – Crunch Time is a cat named Simon , which many users are familiar with from a series of animated films by animator Simon Tofield. This character is distinguished by his arrogance, bordering on arrogance, which is why he often gets into dangerous scrapes and crazy adventures. This time, the fluffy prankster becomes a victim of an attack by aggressive crows – they stole Simon’s sweets, which he categorically does not intend to measure.

In the company of the protagonist and several additional protagonists, the user will have to make an exciting journey, the successful completion of which will require not a hefty mind and resourcefulness, but also an exact adherence to the principles of the “three-row”. After all, throughout the gameplay, you basically have to interact with different game elements located on the field – swap them, form groups of identical treats and follow the conditions of each level. In the foreground, of course, is the causality of the project – the entry threshold is low, and you can figure out all the game aspects in just a couple of minutes. The main task of each stage is to feed all the cats proudly sitting at the top of the “food chain”, and solving additional tasks will help you earn game experience and virtual coins,

In addition to the goodies in the Simon’s Cat – Crunch Time project, there are a lot of harmful characters who go out of their way to upset all of Simon’s plans and ambitions – Mr. Gorshkoff, Lord Royston, the ubiquitous hedgehogs and the crazy vacuum cleaner, in the womb of which all delicacies disappear in a split second. Therefore, get ready for a lot of dirty tricks from ill-wishers and try to always be one step ahead of them – the outcome of each level depends on the speed of your “reason”. To track individual results, you can periodically look at the global ranking, watching with satisfaction how your nickname rises higher and higher with the increase in skill, leaving all competitors and former rivals far behind.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.strawdogstudios.simonscatcrunchtime
Developer Tactile Games Limited
License Free app
Date updated Mar 9, 2024
Number of downloads 273
Available languages

English (+86 localizations)

Download Simon’s Cat Crunch Time

Download Simon’s Cat Crunch Time (1.70.1) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
130.76 MB

How to Install Simon’s Cat Crunch Time on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.8 (231.9K)

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