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Set the world record for the longest flight of a soccer ball

Soccer Kick – studio VOODOO again pleases its fans with another casual project, this time on a football theme, and, according to tradition, the developers approached the process of creating new items creatively and unconventionally. They were able to give even the usual free kicks a “zest” – in our case, it is not so much the accuracy & # 40; although it is not in last place & # 41;, but the range of the ball that is important. And the sports equipment will travel not on a standard field, but around the world, visiting various countries and continents.

The athlete from Soccer Kick standing with his back to the user puts his foot in for a kick and now the ball is already rushing past St. Basil’s Cathedral at great speed, whistling past the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Eiffel Tower, flying on the way to visit the Statues of Liberty and Christ -The Redeemer, travels across the sands of Egypt, allowing the player to admire the Pyramid of Cheops, and along the way does not forget to honor the strict Big Ben with his presence. And having plenty of fun with geography, our all-round traveler in the end, as expected, turns out to be exactly in the gate alignment.

This is how you can fly over the whole continent in just a couple of minutes, visiting many countries that are famous for their unique sights. For each shot made, gold coins are credited to the gamer’s account in Soccer Kick, and the farther the ball flew before hitting the goal, the larger the amount received. For coins, you can upgrade the strength of the kick by a football player, as well as the aerodynamics and elasticity of the ball itself, which will allow you to set more and more records that will give you a chance to compete with other users in the global ranking.

Video and Screen Captures

Video of Soccer Kick
Screenshot Soccer Kick 1
Screenshot Soccer Kick 2
Screenshot Soccer Kick 3
Screenshot Soccer Kick 4
Screenshot Soccer Kick 5
Screenshot Soccer Kick 6

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.6

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.neonplay.casualsoccerkickandroid
Author (Developer) VOODOO
License Free app
Date updated Nov 12, 2018
Number of downloads 260
Genre Arcade / Mobile gaming

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File size: 50.47 MB armeabi-v7a, x86 Original full version without MODs
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Soccer Kick download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.

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