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Spirit Guardian


Download APK for Android 3.0.x+ 2.3.6 Free 97.57 MB Original without MODs Trusted

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Spirit Guardians – When clouds darker than the night gather over your head, then you should be ready to join the battle. Meanwhile…

This story began millennia ago. Then the Devil flooded the world of people with his dark minions, who removed discord and chaos between people, and collected their despair and the ashes of forever extinguished hearths. Only the bright souls of Angels resisted Evil and protected the world of people. So, on the verge of evil and good, the war lasted for several more centuries. So far, in one short moment of the superiority of the Light Souls over the Dark Souls, the first managed to lull the Devil into an eternal sleep. There was an instant silence. And it seemed like forever peace came. The real pain of people was replaced by their forgotten memory. But the bliss did not last long. Until something happened in the shadow of the blackest darkness. From which someone ominously watched – it woke up from a dream the Lord of absolute evil. His wrath threatens to fall on the shoulders of every person on earth. From the shadow of darkness, the Devil looks out for all those who are not yet broken, and is able to resist in order to kill any hope of people for salvation in the crown. The Light Souls, along with the people, have lost hope long ago, and one by one they go over to the side of Evil – the Angels are sleeping.

You, the player, are the last hope of humanity! You have to invade the eternal sleep of the Devil in order to free the powerful, but asleep Souls, and so – to save the world.

But even the most experienced player cannot cope alone. You need to awaken bright Souls from sleep, to create an army of Angels from them. And every soldier – an Angel – needs to discover and constantly develop hidden abilities.

Interactive features of the game:

  • Graphics – detailed, with amazing sound and visual effects.
  • Characters – there are 70 varieties of them. The character has 300 abilities that the player has to discover.
  • Scenarios – this fantastic story is able to completely immerse the player’s mind in the virtual world.
  • Strategy. Create an army of bright Souls, defeat the Devil in his own lair. And become a leader on the global rating table of the game.
  • Tactics. Participate in daily large-scale battles and PvP duels. In each encounter, the player needs to demonstrate his superiority over the enemy.
  • Hardware requirement; permanent Internet connection, and access to a memory card.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 3.0.x or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.mechanist.crystal.en.supersdk
Developer mechanist
License Free app
Date updated Dec 5, 2017
Number of downloads 117

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Download Spirit Guardian (2.3.6) APK
97.57 MB

How to Install Spirit Guardian on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

FAQ: Downloading and Setup

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