Talking Husky Dog – take patronage over the heroes of the animated series “Paw Patrol” and together with them stand up to protect the city from fires and other cataclysms. There are two puppies in your search and rescue team who can do a lot of interesting things. Since the heroes professionally cope with their duties, there will be few emergency calls, and the main playing time is devoted to the life of the characters.
Outdoor walks with active games – throw a ball or disc to the dogs, turn on dance music and watch the synchronous and coordinated movements of your partners. Click on their noses or pet them for a funny response. Do not forget to feed your pets on time, as well as put them to bed, because a healthy diet and good sleep are the key to health. By the way, during the game you can take photos and share them with friends.
- come up with funny names for pupils;
- Husky puppies as cute pets;
- take photos and share with friends;
- assortment of entertainment and mini-games;
- charming sounds and emotions.
When you get bored with the standard list of duties in the Talking Husky Dog game, then go to the “City” location and put out fires – find fires on the radar and rush at full speed through the streets in a fire truck with a siren. Additionally, for the entertainment of users, the authors have prepared a collection of twelve mini-games.
Talking Husky Dog download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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