War of Heroes: Age of Galaxy is a beautiful, high-quality and exciting game in the genre of MMO RPG , do you need it? Of course you need it! After all, there are not very many such games, especially those where all three of the above factors are correctly combined.
MMO RPG War of Heroes : Age of Galaxy offers users several dozen characters, a global system for swaying abilities and a huge store of equipment, weapons and all kinds of improvements. Why would we do all this? I will be right if I assume that for battles, very epic battles. This is how it turned out in practice.
Free android game War of Heroes : Age of Galaxy has offline missions and all sorts of quests, as well as a co-op mode where you can team up in one clan with a few of our friends and go “all in”! All this, by and large, reminded me of the cult game DOTA 2 , especially in this mode. And in this project there are “card missions” that painfully resemble another popular game – Hearthstone.
In general, the gameplay of the game War of Heroes : Age of Galaxy turned out to be so diverse and interesting that it resembles many popular games of the current generation. No wonder, because the developers from HONGKONG BORRETE know their stuff! By the way, they are familiar to us with their other MMO RPGs called “ War of Heroes : Age of Galaxy уж точно придётся вам по вкусу!
The author of the article is Denis Melnik ([email protected]
War of Heroes: Age of Galaxy download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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