War Wings – World War II battles unfold on land, water and in the sky, gathering a rich harvest of valiant heroes and notorious villains. Every next day is similar to the previous one – the whistle of bullets, the roar of military vehicles, the roar of explosions and the groans of soldiers dying in agony. You also have to become a part of this cruel action, sitting in the cockpit of a high-speed fighter, universal attack aircraft or heavy bomber, having previously chosen the side of the conflict.
The user will have to study the key aspects of the flight action War Wings under the total control of a virtual mentor. He will show you how to take off and change the course of movement, how to maneuver to be on the tail of the enemy, tell you where to draw strength and inspiration for heroic sorties, tell you what you can earn especially valuable regalia and awards for. After the course of a young fighter, you can without further ado enter into rating fights with computer bots or real gamers from all over the world, choosing any suitable battle mode.
Installing the project War Wings can be advised to users of different levels of training – this is a perfectly balanced, extremely exciting simulator of maneuverable combat aircraft of the Second World War, which allows you to make your own contribution to the overall victory over a hated enemy. If you get tired of deciding the fate of the world alone, you can join any existing coalition in which tasks are systematically and competently divided between all participants in air battles. And do not forget to practice in all available modes, because each of them is interesting in its own way and makes its own requirements for a virtual pilot.
War Wings download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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