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Zombies, marauders and hunger are the main threats!

WithstandZ is a dark and pain-filled story about daredevils traveling through a cubic post-apocalyptic world who are trying to survive without falling into the hands of marauders and the walking dead. But these are not all the dangers that lie in wait for pixel poor fellows – hunger, cold and thirst can also make a significant contribution and adjustments to shorten the life path of virtual heroes. Surviving in such cruel conditions alone is almost impossible – gather a team of like-minded people and try to go through difficult dramatic tests together.

Explore cities, military bases, abandoned warehouses and other infrastructure objects in order to find resources useful for survival. In the WithstandZ project, the developers paid a lot of attention to the development of artificial intelligence of bots – zombies cannot appear from anywhere, only you yourself can provoke their attack, for example, once again being in the field of view of the walking dead, or by provoking a situation with your behavior that will grab their attention.

Caution and prudence should be your constant companions, and even characters controlled by other players are not always worth trusting, maybe they have bad thoughts in their minds about appropriating your resources or base. Install zombie action WithstandZ can be advised to all fans of “survival” who are not sickened by angular cubic graphics in the style of Minecraft. You should not expect any grandiose logical finale in the game – throughout the gameplay you have to collect, shoot, hide and build.

Screen Captures

Screenshot WithstandZ 1
Screenshot WithstandZ 2
Screenshot WithstandZ 3
Screenshot WithstandZ 4
Screenshot WithstandZ 5

Technical specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.Kazeta.WithstandZ
Author (Developer) Quaternions Inc.
License Free app
Date updated May 20, 2019
Number of downloads 73
Genre Arcade / Mobile gaming

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File size: 66.92 MB armeabi-v7a, x86 Original full version without MODs

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WithstandZ download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.

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