Ball Alien (Alien Ball) is a minimalist platform game whose main character is Ball – continues his adventures in deep space, and in an even more distant past.
Process… Millennia ago, on the other side of the Universe, when the gods, as well as the developers of this game, got bored, they entertained themselves by playing space golf – they led the Ball from one location point to another. The locations provided an intergalactic station, consisting of paths and platforms, along which the Shar moved from one light year to another …
Another thousand years have passed and this game has become available to people who, like the gods, want to fill their time with something interesting – these are the initial data from which the player’s task arises: to guide the Ball through locations in such a way as to avoid collision with obstacles or Shar’s failure into interstellar space.
The success of the Ball moving through the locations is measured in winning points for the player. In the process of advancing, the player needs to collect energy charges, and also needs to be marked on some platforms – these manipulations change the physical characteristics of the Ball – it becomes light, heavy and very heavy.
Two features of the game:
- Graphics – 3D animation.
- Active actions are accompanied by the music of the cosmos.
Ball Alien download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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