DC Super Hero Girls is an educational game for children – future superheroes. The game takes place in “School of Superheroes: Girls”. The animated prototypes of the DC Universe heroines study at the school: Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Supergirl, Katana, Bumblebee and Batgirl. The heroines learn at school what it means to be brave and curious, to help people and to perform ordinary miracles – to solve puzzles in the genre of hidden object, “three in a row” and puzzle. But since the heroines of the game are only learning to be Super, the girls need help. Players will have to go through a series of tests together with the characters of the game:
- Collect puzzles;
- Draw, take photos and edit photos in the style of Super Heroes;
- Explore the territory of the school “Superheroes” to find hidden objects there.
Each game task is a mini-game. You need to pass mini-games for a while: the faster, the more heroic. The results of the games are evaluated in points. The total number of points determines the player’s ranking on the game’s global leaderboard. Little Superheroines can share the best results of the game with their friends on social networks.
As a random factor, Super Heroines can try their luck on the wheel of fortune. Luck brings rewards! There is no bad scenario in this game – each challenge brings a reward: gifts, winning points or bonus time.
DC Super Hero Girls develops fine motor skills of hands and coordination of visual and muscular reaction in little heroines – cognitive skills of self-learning.
DC Super Hero Girls download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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