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iSlash Heroes


Download APK for Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4+ 1.5.2 Free 52.80 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Jewelry strikes with a katana - the key to records

Screenshot iSlash Heroes 1
Screenshot iSlash Heroes 2
Screenshot iSlash Heroes 3
Screenshot iSlash Heroes 4

iSlash Heroes – arcade puzzle game that sends the user into the mysterious and incomprehensible world of martial arts. Everything takes place in a small hall, where a young ninja with an iron will tirelessly swings a razor-sharp katana to the seventh sweat, honing the skill of a fatal blow. The young man’s mentor is a wise gray-haired sensei, a master of hand-to-hand combat and yoga – each round is a real torture for the main character, but he seems to be happy with this test.

At first, obstacles do not allow you to complete the swing perfectly, then the teacher throws up additional tasks, and of course, time is constantly running out, because it is strictly limited. The first stages in the iSlash Heroes project are easy to pass and with a single attempt – the blows can be easily controlled, the finger accurately cuts off unnecessary elements, and additional conditions do not cause the slightest problem. However, everything is turned upside down during the first meeting with the boss – the threshold for successfully completing the round skyrockets, dizzy from any conditions, and obstacles will appear on the playing field in an uncontrolled stream.

It is here that you should bet on useful bonuses that can freeze time and give temporary immunity to misses. Unfortunately, there is no rating that would allow you to compare your results with the achievements of other gamers in the iSlash Heroes Android project, so you will only have to compete with yourself. Level final – a certain number of points scored by the user, until you score, you will not be able to complete the stage. At the moment, more than 800 levels have been implemented in the new product, and according to the developers, this is far from the limit. Be sure to install this casual arcade game and fully satisfy the insane desire to shred everything!

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.duellogames.iSlash2
Developer Duello Games
License Free app
Date updated Dec 26, 2018
Number of downloads 19

Download iSlash Heroes

Download iSlash Heroes (1.5.2) APK
ARMv7, x86
52.80 MB

How to Install iSlash Heroes on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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