Jack Educational Games (Jacks House) is a collection of educational games for preschool children. Kids have everything to be happy – boundless energy and boundless curiosity!
Jack’s educational games contain 10 games aimed at developing children’s memory, attention and formal logic algorithms – introduces kids to the world around them. The plot of the game develops in an unobtrusive way, in such a way as to teach kids to count, learn colors and basic geometric shapes.
The game process is accompanied by a pleasant voice that encourages kids to take decisive action – trial and error! Each solved problem rewards the kid with a cheerful melody of the winner!
The protagonist of the game is a curious kid named Jack. The top child needs to make friends with him, and play with Jack – help solve puzzles.
so that after each toy can be returned to its own place;
Jack’s educational games (Jacks House) is an exciting game that will be interesting to play for kids, parents, and Jack – all the curious characters in this story.
Educational games for kids download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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