Roofbot – the story of a charming robot named Ruth, who has to go through a series of logical tests in order to save his family and destroy the insidious Uberbot hiding on the highest skyscraper. The protagonist travels across the colorful roofs of the city of the future, collects colorful energy objects in the correct sequence, restoring hope for the best to other citizens and enlisting their support in the most difficult situations. The training in the new product is given a minimum of time, but this is enough to understand the mechanics of moving the main character, as well as the principle of interaction with the environment.
The Roofbot logic game captivates the user from the start with its spectacular presentation of locations, levels and characters: a variety of shapes of skyscraper roofs drawn in detail, psychedelic musical accompaniment that sets you in a working mood, the ability to use hints or cancel a move. The developers have prepared tasks for fans of intellectual pastime that are very interesting and varied – sometimes they will need to move blocks, unlock detours, use outlandish mechanisms and structures, travel through time and space.
It’s impossible not to fall in love with this novelty from the Double Coconut studio – a charming main character, the smoothness of his movements and a simple one-touch control system, complex tasks that can challenge the best minds, and an indescribable feeling of satisfaction from each stage passed. The masterpiece Roofbot puzzle is distributed on a shareware model, which means that only some of the levels are available for free, the rest of the stages will have to be unlocked for money, and there are no other options here.
Roofbot download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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