Troll Face Quest Internet Mems – a puzzle game about Internet memes – whether or not the player has a sense of humor.
What is trolling? In addition to the method of catching fish, it is also a psychological attack on the object of trolling in order to evoke an emotional reaction in him, usually negative – anger, rage, irritation. That is what you have to do in this game, with only one condition – that the object of trolling will be your own and precious person.
Are you being bullied online, at school, at work, or on your way home? Then this game is for you – a poor sheep and a victim of trolling. You have to solve puzzles – how to respond to attacks, ridicule and attacks of Internet memes. There are over 35 puzzles in total.
The solution to the puzzles lies in how subtly you can digest the disgusting humor of your opponents. This means that you yourself will have to learn how to mock others using the template holding of your enemies – memes.
Playing trolling in troll territory is, of course, a bold act that threatens to deprive you of sleep and the rest of your sanity. But only by playing this game can you get rid of the psychological trauma inflicted on you in a previous life. It’s time to start a new one!
Troll Face Quest Internet Meme download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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