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Wood Nuts & Bolts

, Screw


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A fun way to assemble wooden mechanisms using nuts and bolts

Video of Wood Nuts & Bolts
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 1
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 2
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 3
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 4
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 5
Screenshot Wood Nuts & Bolts 6

A fascinating and relaxing puzzle game Wood Nuts & Bolts, Screw will take you into the world of mechanics and everything connected with it. It’s the perfect adventure to virtually embark on after a hard day. A super fun puzzle with lots of wooden pieces and screws to connect them together will allow you to become a real master of connecting pieces into one whole mechanism. Each level is unique and different from the previous one; the parts to connect become more and more complex. Every nut and bolt is an integral part of the mechanism and an integral part of every task. If you’re up for a challenge, dive into the puzzle and solve secret designs with pieces, bolts and pins.

Dizzying adventures and challenging tasks await you here. Try to solve problems step by step, collecting all your thoughts together. You will see a huge gaming panel, which is filled with all sorts of wooden parts. Scattered around them are also bolts, nuts and other connecting parts. Some of them need to be unlocked and untwisted in parts in order to be used to assemble other parts. You have to do all this alone and swap the screws yourself to unlock the wood plates. It won’t be easy, but you will definitely get through it. Having studied the playing field in detail, you will be able to figure it out and put all the details in their place.

The game provides a system of earning points and points for successfully completing levels. In this case, you will rise in the leaderboard, and eventually even top it. Keep in mind the important point that as you progress, each task will become more and more difficult, and this will make it more interesting. If you are stuck on one of the tasks, then all is not lost. Use one of the tips that will help you solve a difficult problem and direct your thinking in the right direction. The number of hints is limited, so do not overuse them and use them only when absolutely necessary.

The game can increase your IQ and improve brain activity. Immersing yourself in a world of unscrewing and connecting will challenge your spatial thinking skills. Have fun and earn points by participating in the exciting and fun puzzle solving process of Wood Nuts & Bolts.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 7.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.ig.screw.puzzle.nuts.botls
Developer Zego Studio
License Free app
Date updated Jun 17, 2024
Number of downloads 1
Available languages

English (+90 localizations)

Download Wood Nuts & Bolts

Download Wood Nuts & Bolts (1.60) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
109.96 MB

How to Install Wood Nuts & Bolts on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.6 (592.2K)

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