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DM EVOLUTION is a card game based on another popular game Dual Monsters, which was created in distant Japan in even more distant 1999.

All Cards of our version of the war of magic and monsters can be divided into three main types:

  1. Monsters;
  2. Spells;
  3. Traps.

Process. All players start this war on equal terms, with a standard set of Cards that have only their own unique features – characters, and characters have skills. Cards interact with each other on the principle of “rock, scissors, paper”. The confrontation between the cards is visualized using animation.

Players put one card against each other. The player whose card properties are stronger wins. Defeating an opponent gives the player the right to draw additional cards of their choice.

The strategic task of the player is to collect a perfectly balanced deck of cards, which means that their properties must be suitable for any kind of battle, to become a leader in the global rating table of the game.

Screen Captures

Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 1
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 2
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 3
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 4
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 5
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 6
Screenshot DM EVOLUTION 7

Technical specifications of the latest version 2.1.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) instantgame
License Free app
Date updated Sep 11, 2018
Number of downloads 284
Genre Card / Mobile gaming


Get the Latest Version (2.1.1) - Free & Safe Download

Download DM EVOLUTION apk 2.1.1
File size: 96.32 MB armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs
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