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Solitaire Showtime

Tri Peaks Solitaire Free & Fun


Download APK for Android 4.4+ 4.1.1 Free 68.33 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Lay out the game cards following simple rules

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Screenshot Solitaire Showtime 5

Solitaire Showtime – colorful card entertainment according to the rules of two popular solitaire games “Three Peaks” and “Golf”. The goal of each level is to remove all cards from the playing field by moving them to the “house” while adhering to certain rules. At the start of each round, active cards are laid out in random order, some of them are open, some are closed, and you can unlock them by removing the elements located on top.

Cards are added to the “house” without taking into account the suit and color, it is only important to remember that the card being moved must differ in face value per unit from the object already in the “house”. So, you can put a Jack or a Ten on an open Queen, a Queen or an Ace on a King, a Two or a Four on a Three, and so on. If necessary, you can use additional cards from the spare deck. For a successfully completed solitaire, a sum of money is awarded, which can be spent on the purchase and use of power-ups.

There are quite a lot of them in the game, for example, the Golden Card, which allows you to move absolutely any card to the “home”, the Hammer, which destroys ice, which binds cards in some locations, and so on. The entertainment card project has a high social component – play with friends, join clubs and chat. You can download the positive and exciting application Solitaire Showtime for free using a direct link from our website without registration.


  • simple rules and “one touch” control;
  • journey through incredible worlds;
  • daily challenges and rewards;
  • system of achievements and ratings.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.two31play.solitaire
Developer Jam City, Inc.
License Free app
Date updated Dec 9, 2022
Number of downloads 63
Available languages

English (+89 localizations)

Download Solitaire Showtime

Download Solitaire Showtime (4.1.1) APK
68.33 MB

How to Install Solitaire Showtime on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.8 (165.6K)

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