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Combine the balls in the tank, achieving a given value

2048 3D Plus is a logic game based on the principles of the popular puzzle, but using a different mechanics to achieve the main goal. If in the standard version the user needs to contact the numerical symbols on the tiles, then in this game they are replaced by balls of different sizes and colors. By dropping the spheres into the tank and combining elements of identical values, the gamer will have to create a ball with a given numerical designation.

Objects are combined according to the following principle – you can create one object from two only if their initial values ​​are identical, after which they form a new sphere with a doubled number. The user has the right to independently choose the zone where to throw the next element. Along the way, you need to make allowances for the fact that volumetric elements jump and repel each other when they fall, so it is not at all necessary that the sphere will fall exactly where the player planned.


  • a puzzle game based on the famous concept;
  • the use of boosters and bonuses in difficult moments;
  • realistic behavior of objects on the screen;
  • create a sphere of the given denomination;
  • a fun brain workout.

Boosters are faithful and sometimes indispensable assistants, of which there are two types in the game 2048 3D Plus. The first turns a ball ready to fall into an object with any denomination that the user chooses on their own. The second organizes a real commotion on the playing field, scattering calmly lying balls in different directions and helping them to unite.

Screen Captures

Screenshot 2048 3D Plus 1
Screenshot 2048 3D Plus 2
Screenshot 2048 3D Plus 3
Screenshot 2048 3D Plus 4
Screenshot 2048 3D Plus 5

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.0.6

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID) com.puzzle.plus2048
Author (Developer) Puzza
License Free app
Date updated Apr 18, 2020
Number of downloads 74
Genre Casual / Mobile gaming

English (+88 localizations)

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Get the Latest Version (1.0.6) - Free & Safe Download

Download 2048 3D Plus apk 1.0.6
File size: 39.77 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a Original full version without MODs

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