Ball Action – a spectacular three-dimensional confrontation between a miniature sphere and numerous opponents, unfolding on the top platform of high cylindrical towers, which will require dexterity and excellent reaction from the user. The presence of a development system adds interest to casual gameplay, which will help the protagonist with honor to get out of battles with numerous enemy waves. In principle, the goal of each level of a super interesting and original novelty from the PONOS Corporation studio is the same – not to let the enemies push the sphere into the abyss.
A huge plus of the Ball Action game is realistic physics – balls of different sizes collide, ricochet from each other, trying to identify the strongest, who will become the “king of the hill”. Naturally, it is in your interests to emerge victorious from fights as often as possible, so we do not spare money for pumping and timely upgrade of our spherical character. You can upgrade it according to several parameters – strength, protection and income received for pushing enemies into the abyss.
Additionally, play money can be earned at bonus levels, which become available after the successful completion of a block of stages. Oppose your hero in the arcade Ball Action will be nimble and miniature golf balls, energetic football shells and massive bowling balls, and many others. In addition to improving your sphere, it is possible to personalize it through the use of interesting skins – an elephant, a ninja, the planets Saturn, Earth, Jupiter, a mirror ball, and so on.
Ball Action download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.