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Bubble Shooter


Download APK for Android 4.4W+ 108.0 Free 54.19 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Rescue the chicks from captivity of evil aliens

Video of Bubble Shooter
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 1
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 2
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 3
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 4
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 5
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 6
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 7
Screenshot Bubble Shooter 8

Bubble Shooter – the name of this colorful casual game suggests its genre, which means that users, armed with the “three in a row” mechanics, will have to solve problems on each of many levels of increasing complexity. Despite the casualness, the guys from the studio Candy Bubble Studio were not too lazy to add some semblance of a plot to their new product, from which the gamer learns that evil aliens on a flying saucer imprisoned the chicks of one married couple in bubbles.

The father, as the head of the pack, now has to organize an operation to save his many kids, for which he will use a special weapon with the help of the gamer to shoot clusters of multi-colored bubbles at the top of the playing field. Your task is to coordinate the actions of the main character – send a projectile to a group of spheres of a similar color, after which they will disappear, and the happy chicks will gain freedom and return to the bosom of their family. Controlling the weapon is extremely simple – move your finger across the screen and use the dotted line to aim at the desired area.

As you progress through the stages of the Bubble Shooter puzzle, the complexity predictably increases, for example, a cluster of balls will inexorably slide down, and if you allow them to reach the gun itself, the stage will be considered lost. What saves the situation a little is the ability to change the color of the ball projectile currently loaded into the cannon – just tap on the corresponding icon. The puzzle is designed incredibly colorfully, with smooth animation and a sea of ​​special effects that accompany the process of freeing the little prisoners.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.4W or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer Candy Bubble Studio
License Free app
Date updated Jun 12, 2024
Number of downloads 7883
Available languages

English (+94 localizations)

Download Bubble Shooter

Download Bubble Shooter (108.0) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
54.19 MB

Old versions

How to Install Bubble Shooter on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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