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Cute Pet Pululu

Tamagotchi & Virtual Pet Game


Download APK for Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4+ 1.70 Free 17.65 MB Original without MODs

Video of Cute Pet Pululu
Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 1
Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 2
Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 3
Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 4
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Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 7
Screenshot Cute Pet Pululu 8

Cute Pet Pululu is the coolest Tamagotchi game ever. Download our app for free and start playing today with millions of other players from all over the world.

Plot. Do you need a friend who will always be with you? During the game, you look for, find and hatch eggs from which your heroes are born. Throughout the game, you must collect 7 characters in your nursery. Finding an egg and getting Pululu out of it is only the beginning of the story, the most interesting awaits you ahead.

Play with your pets, feed, bathe and take care of their health. But this is not enough – pets need to be developed, for this you have to build a house for them, in which you can play mini educational games with them, earn coins, and use coins to buy gifts for your wards. You will learn how to develop your wards from the instructional video.

The game process is divided into difficulty levels, each next level is more difficult than the previous one. Once you reach level 16, even more characters will become available to you, and even more ways to befriend them.


  • Each character in the game has only his own character traits. For you, this means that for each character you will need to find an individual way of communication and friendship.
  • The game interface does not take up the whole screen – this gives you the opportunity to chat with friends in parallel with the game, for example.
  • The most remarkable thing is that the eyes of your heroes will always look at you from the phone screen.
  • Graphics – Animated with visual parallax effects.

Cute Pet Pululu differs from the classic Tamagotchi game in that, regardless of the success of the game, the characters in the game will have a happy ending anyway.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.0.3, 4.0.4 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.gau.go.dynamicscreen.egg
License Free app
Date updated Oct 17, 2018
Number of downloads 413

Download Cute Pet Pululu

Download Cute Pet Pululu (1.70) APK
17.65 MB

How to Install Cute Pet Pululu on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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